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This  a Facilitator's Guide.


We trust that the special children whose stories are told in lessons learnt from my Bible friends will become your child’s best friends. This curriculum will enable parents to prepare their children spiritually for a wonderful life in Christ.


Every child mentioned in the Bible has something special to teach children today. Irrespective of whether it is a story about Joseph or about Samson, their stories all start when they were little children. Children need to realize that God can use them from a very young age. Every child is truly special, with his or her own personal calling and place in the Kingdom of God. This is ex-citing news!


It is a fact that God the Father has called and inspired people to announce to the world His great truths and messages. “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” In the same way, we believe that one child will be able to reach other children with the message of the Gospel.

Lessons from my bible Friends Grade 1

SKU: IMP Grade 1 F
  • Print, softcover, full colour

    83 pages

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