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This is the workbook. You will need the facilitator's Guide


The objective of this curriculum is to teach our children to love the Word of God, and to learn to love God by revealing the wonder of our Almighty Father to them.

Even more so, we hope to cultivate in our children a love of reading the Word on their own. This is why we created the opportunity in each lesson, to write down the verse that meant the most to them.


The Word of God is life While reading the Word, we believe that the Holy Spirit can and may highlight something in the Scriptures that speaks to the child in particular. When God talks to us, it is very important to write down what He says, and therefore we want to get children into the habit of writing about the Word from a young age. In the lessons we encourage children to experience the Bible as a Living Word.


The Wonder of the Word

The curriculum was created to reveal the wonder of the Word to children in a number of

  •  The wonder of how the Old and New Testaments complement each other
  • The wonder of similarities between the lives of well-known figures in the Old Testament, and the life of Jesus in the New Testament
  • The wonder of miracles in the Old and New Testaments


The development of a child

Children, especially between the ages of 9 and 12, are spiritually ready to be anchored in the Truth. By about the time they turn 13, their faith becomes an eternal value in their lives. Jewish boys and girls become adults at this age, and the occasion is celebrated with their Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Such a Jewish child remains true to the Jewish faith and traditions for life.
This principle is the same for the Christian faith.

The wonder of the Word of God Grade 4

SKU: IMP Grade 4 W
  •  Print, soft cover, one colour
    Size: 297mm x 210 mm, 85 pages

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